Meaghan Doyle, GC

Hi, I'm Meaghan (she/her)! I'm a Certified Genetic Counselor and the Founder of DNAide Genetic Counselling.

I help people who want to have a baby understand the role that genetics plays in the process. Whether you are just starting out, are currently pregnant, or if you are experiencing infertility or pregnancy loss genetics plays a role, and I am here to help.

I studied genetics and psychology at the University of Toronto, and obtained my Master of Science in Genetic Counseling at Arcadia University in Pennsylvania. After working in a Canadian IVF clinic I realized that it is rare for fertility patients to have access to genetic counsellors. I joined Instagram to provide education [@DNAideGC](, and then founded DNAide to help make reproductive genetic counselling more accessible.

areas of focus

Carrier Screening

Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening

Products of Conception

Pre-implantation Genetics

In Ontario is is common that you will only meet with an OHIP-covered genetic counsellor if you meet certain criteria. This criteria is strict, and often leaves people who don't meet criteria with a lot of unanswered questions. Together with Femade I look forward to enhancing reproductive genetics care in Ontario!

You can read more about Meaghan and all the work she does at DNAide.
